The Little Ones™ Village

The Experts Agree!

"As a Sleep Neurophysiologist I am always on the lookout for sound information about sleep to counter the enormous amount of terrible sleep advice that is out there! When you are exhausted and just trying to do the right thing by your baby and by yourself it can be very difficult to sort through it all. Once I discovered Little Ones, I knew I had found what I was looking for.

Nicky and Amanda have written scientifically informed, yet easy to read Programs that cover all the major areas of concern for new parents - sleep, feeding and settling and, importantly, how these interact with one another. Finding this balance can be tricky and these Programs take the guesswork out of it. 

Sleep is important for a range of reasons but doesn't necessarily come easily to all babies. Many of the mainstream baby sleep books and advice impose generic and rigid strategies for teaching babies to sleep independently. These don't take into consideration individual variation, unique family circumstances and sometimes even the emotional toll of sleep training. What I particularly love about the Little Ones strategies are that they are a more gentle alternative and can be tailored to your family so that you really see positive change to your baby's sleep. I am blown away by their comprehensive body of work."


Dr Kate Johnson, Ph.D. is a sleep neurophysiologist and postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Stanford Research International. She approached us and asked if she could endorse and recommend Little Ones Sleep Programs, being impressed by the breadth of our knowledge and the difference in our approach to sleep.


Little Ones is also an accredited member of the IACSC (International Association of Child Sleep Consultants) and is the only online Sleep Program to be accredited by the association.